Thursday, October 30, 2008

Obama's Friend Ayers Dedicated Book To Kennedy Killer

Sirhan Sirhan shot and killed Robert Kennedy in 1968.

In 1974 Bill Ayers and his wife dedicated their book to Sirhan Sirhan.

Good thing he's just some guy that lives in Barack Obama's neighborhood. Forget that the both of them, Ayers and Obama, worked hard to spread around $50 million to train students in radical 60's-era America hatred.

Now, just like when Obama said he didn't think his church, with Rev. Jeremiah Wright as pastor, was "particularly controversial", this communist mini-manifesto of Ayers is also not particularly controversial, since its goal is the same as Barack Obama's presidential bid.

Here's a scan from the book that could work as an Obama campaign slogan (from Zombietime - see more below)...

Here's the video where Hannity reveals the bombshell...

It appears that Zombietime was the first to break this story, on Oct. 23.

Zombietime has an in-depth article on this whole subject: William Ayers' forgotten communist manifesto: Prairie Fire

Here are some excellent tidbits from the article...

Major Kudos to Zombietime for putting together this collection of links...

• Ayers and Obama worked together for years on a school reform program called the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.
• Ayers and Obama also served together on the board of the Woods Fund of Chicago, a separate charity organization.
• Obama had his political coming-out party in William Ayers' home.
Ayers mentions Obama by name in a book he wrote in 1997, and mentions that the two are very close neighbors.
• Obama gave a short glowing review of that same Ayers book for the Chicago Tribune.
• Obama and Ayers were both presenters together on a panel about juvenile justice (organized by Michelle Obama).
• Both Obama and Ayers were close friends with the same person, Rashid Kalidi.
• There are also several unverified rumors swirling around that have not been documented: That Ayers may have helped to write part (or all) of Obama's autobiography; that Obama and Ayers shared an office space together for three years, on the same floor of the same building in Chicago; and that Ayers and Obama may have known each other as far back as 1981.

Here are some pages from the Ayers manifesto...
(click on any of these to make them MUCH larger.)

Penultimately, here's an eye-opening article written by David Horowitz, days after Sept. 11, 2001, on Bill Ayers.


In my experience, what drives most radicals are passions of resentment, envy and inner rage. Bill Ayers is a scion of wealth. His father was head of Detroit’s giant utility Commonwealth Edison, in line for a cabinet position in the Nixon Administration before his son ruined it by going on a rampage that to this day he cannot explain to any reasonable person’s satisfaction (which is why he has to conceal so much). It could be said of Bill Ayers that he was consumed by angers so terrible they led him to destroy his father’s career. But in the 10 hours I interviewed him I saw none of it. What I saw was a shallowness beyond conception. All the Weather leaders I interviewed shared a similar vacuity. They were living inside a utopian fantasy, a separate reality, and had no idea of what they had done. Nor any way to measure it. Appreciating the nation to which they were born, recognizing the great gifts of freedom and opportunity their parents and communities had given them, distinguishing between right and wrong – it was all above their mental and moral ceiling.

Lastly, again major kudos to zombietime for all of this info, a long but informative video on Ayers and Obama...

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THE Most Popular Election Video On Youtube...

11 million views.


Why is it Democrats can never express these kinds of sentiments?

Why is it Democrats don't get that if good men don't fight, bad men will rule?

Why is it Democrats don't understand that if someone knows how to build a nuclear weapon, they can build one after the inspectors leave?

Why is it the Democrats have never counted up all of the dead resulting from peace movements, appeasement, and cowardice?

Why is it Democrats demand tons of experience from a state governor - but only when they're from Alaska, not Arkansas?

Why is it Democrats demand more experience from the bottom half of one ticket - more than even the top half of their own ticket?

Why is it Democrats cannot name one single thing that qualifies as presidential experience for Barack Obama? No, running a presidential campaign does not count.

Why is it Democrats think this country is so putrid and awful, when literally billions of others would gladly trade countries with them?

Yes, of course, some Democrats can do these things. But those exceptions only prove my point.

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New Ads About To Be Unleashed On Obama

These ads have absolutely no impact on me - it would seem anyone paying half-attention to this issue would already know all this stuff. But somehow, there are still people who don't know this information, and who at this late hour in the campaign will ostensibly be swayed by it.

I'm already incensed over Obama's radical past - it's clear he actively sought out the radical elements of the political spectrum.

All of that notwithstanding, is going to air these ads all over the country, apparently.

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Obama Leads by 6%? It Could Be 1.9%...

I'm not a pollster, nor a statistician. Perhaps like you, I am quite bemused by the crazy and vast differences we see in all the various election polls - though I note that in the last few days a lot of these polls have tightened, showing Obama's lead shrinking.

I'm a huge fan of RealClearPolitics. They produce, among lots of other great things, an important number that many in the media follow - the RCP national average of polls - a very helpful number, and in theory a great idea: average all of the best polls so as to arrive at a usable consensus number. One number to rule them all.

But I have a problem with their math, at least their statistical sampling.

It started with wondering why their national poll average has not come down more in the face of most of the major polls reporting a smaller Obama lead - from, say, 9% to 3%. This is a huge drop for Obama, but RCP's average has not come down much, nor has their electoral map changed really in the last few weeks - currently, it looks like an Obama blow-out.

But in looking at their source data for their average, one can see that they use 10 polls. The problem is that they are including a "statistical outlier". The data from Pew Research, as listed on RCP's site, shows Obama with a 15-point advantage. That's about twice the next highest poll, and 5 times the size of a few others in the formula.

The WaPo has a timely article out that discusses the Pew poll:

A Pew Research Center poll released yesterday shows a 15-point lead for Obama, a result based on relaxed criteria for when to consider an African American respondent a likely voter, said Andrew Kohut, president of the center. He said the poll shows that roughly 12 percent of the electorate this year is black, up from 2004, with a similar increase among younger voters. Kohut defended this approach, saying there are historically high levels of interest in this contest among both demographic groups. At the same time, he added, "we've consistently shown less enthusiasm and engagement among Republicans than is typical, and the composition of the electorate shows that."
So the Pew poll assumes that the makeup of this year's electorate will be very different from 2004 due to less Republican turn out and much more turnout among the young and African Americans.

So, should the Pew poll even be included in a national average? I'm not accusing RCP of any bias, I'm just saying you get vastly different national poll numbers when that Pew poll is excluded.

In doing the math myself, I find that the national average, including Pew, shows a 5.9% lead for Obama. 5.9% sure looks a lot smaller than 6%, but RCP reports it as "6.0%".

Now, excluding the Pew poll (which, again, is way higher than the others in their formula), I get 4.9%.

4.9% is certainly a lot smaller of an advantage for Obama than 6%, especially when one considers that the average margin of error could be 3%. Meaning, Obama's "6%" lead could really be only 1.9%. And that's pretty close to a dead heat race.

(If anyone from RCP is reading this, I'd appreciate your comments and any clarification you can provide for your formula.)

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VDH: America Still Rocks...

I can't believe how silly it is that Obama plays this verbal game of "The fundamentals of the American economy are weak." McCain couldn't even argue well against this, ostensibly because he was too scared or he doesn't believe enough in our system.

The truth is, the fundamentals of our economy are strong, even if Obama mocks this truth. Our unemployment rate is nowhere even near Germany's: 10%, which is considered emergency recessionary levels here in the U.S. (ours is probably inching north of 6.2% now).

Victor David Hanson has an amazing column on RealClearPolitics: America Compared to What? In it, he compares America's recovery prospects with


Western Europe is discovering that its banks lent more against their reserves than did their American counterparts. European real estate was often more inflated than our own. Bankers in Frankfurt, London and Paris are looking at trillions of dollars in uncollectible Euro loans throughout Latin America, Asia and Eastern Europe. Most of our toxic debt was at least owed as mortgages by fellow Americans; far more of Europe's is owed by those outside the European Union.

Even when the United States is reeling from financial panic, foreign investment continues to flow into America; the dollar, meanwhile, is climbing against the Euro. China's export-driven and Russia's energy economies are in crisis.

The war in Iraq is no longer even a war in a traditional sense. Four times as many Americans were murdered just in the city of Chicago at peace in July than all those Americans who were killed in Iraq at war in the same period.

There are also long-term reasons to believe the United States will better weather the current storm. We are a transparent society that blares out problems, affixes blame and then fights publicly over solutions. Japan's real estate meltdown of the 1990s took years to correct, given the emphasis on secrecy and shame within Japanese financial circles.

The current financial crisis has startled America from a hypnotic trance of self-indulgence and irresponsibility. But as we return to American fundamentals, we may discover that our political, social and economic system -- despite all the current election-cycle hysteria -- is still by far the most resilient in the world.

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Microsoft: Give Us 2 Years, And We'll Annoy You Less

Very interesting story appearing on the web...

Story from Yahoo/Investor's Biz Daily

Story from AP.

Microsoft promises to annoy its users much less in their next major OS release, excitingly named "Windows 7". Man, how do they come up with these great names?

This is an aggressive, pro-active, and positive move by Microsoft, that is certain to put their operating system only 3 to 4 years behind Apple's. Go get 'em, Steve Ballmer!

Which brings to mind some of my favorite Steve Ballmer moments...

And, ya gotta love Youtube. This one is majorly hilarious!!!!!!!!!!

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"It's The Gaza Strip Calling, Please Vote For Obama"

While taking a break from driving the Jews into the sea, a resident of the totalitarian state of Gaza takes time to call Americans to get out the vote for Obama. Charming...

LA Times Covering For Obama - Echoes Of Lewinsky Scandal

Most of us go about our daily lives, passingly interested in the news, hoping that what we hear is the truth. (Not me, of course.)

We probably never think about the individuals that decide what we hear or don't hear.

We probably don't stop to think that about 90% of those individuals are far-left Democrats.

Then we wonder why the LA Times will not release a certain video of Barack Obama. Are they not in the news business? Would they not make a lot of money by attracting a lot of viewers to their web site? What are they in business for if not for scoops?

You, the average Joe or Josephine, must be the ones who'll put a fork in the Major Media. You buy their papers and watch their news broadcasts. Why would you want to give your time and money to a group of people who think you only deserve scraps of truth?

Fox News has a story on a report that shows how McCain has received almost 60% negative coverage in the Media, while Obama is less than 30%. In other words, negative coverage of McCain is 100% more than negative coverage of Obama; McCain gets twice the amount of negative coverage.

Hearken back to the 90's - the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Most of you probably don't know or remember that Newsweek sat on this story for about a week. They had the scoop on the biggest scandal of the 90's (outside of Clinton ignoring terrorist attacks, which is only a scandal in retrospect) and they sat on the story.

Drudge became a household name after he broke the story. And now his site is one of the most viewed sites on all of the web. But Washington Post-owned Newsweek didn't think it would be good to run the story.

Now, here we are with the LA Times hiding a video for Barack Obama. In this video, he purportedly toasts a man, Rashid Khalidi, with strong ties to the PLO, and thus terrorism.  And his terrorist friend Bill Ayers was also there, praising Khalidi.

Quotes from the story at Fox News:

"Khalidi was a frequent dinner guest at the Obama's home and at his farewell dinner in 2003 Obama joined the unrepentant terrorist William Ayers in giving testimonials on Khalidi's role in the community," McCain spokesman Michael Goldfarb said in a written statement. "The election is one week away, and it's unfortunate that the press so obviously favors Barack Obama that this campaign must publicly request that the Los Angeles Times do its job -- make information public."

2008: The Year Journalism Breathed Its Dying Breath

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Keep The Change

Well, McCain won't do it, but the RNC hits Obama on the redistribution issue...

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Monday, October 27, 2008

Quote of The Day: Just Vote For The White Half

"And for all you white people that can't bring yourself to pull that lever (for Barack Obama), just vote for the white half!"
- David Alan Grier, The Chocolate News

Black Liberation Theology: Obama's Religion

"Black Theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now and by any means at their disposal."
- James Cone, "Black Power and Black Theology"

Here is the peaceful, love-spreading theology that was the theological foundation of the church at which Barack Obama spent 20 years. 20 years. 20 years of anything is bound to influence you somehow...

An interview with James Cone...


"I bring Martin (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) and Malcom (Malcom X) together. The civil rights movement and the black power movement together in order to develop the black theology of liberation."

"If you are part of the dominant group in this society (i.e., white), you are being violent."

"White supremacy is white people making all the rules and regulations by which this country is defined. There is one black senator. Of the 50 who are there. There's only one. That's white supremacy. There is (sic) 9 Supreme Court justices - all of them white as far as I'm concerned. One may look black but he's white. So that's, that's what I mean by white supremacy."

"America has a tradition of lynching."

"If Christians in this society want to understand what the crucifixion, what the cross, was all about... they have to see it through the lynching experience. That's the only way they'll understand what was happening on that cross."

"If the... white people want to become Christians, they have to give up that power and identify with the powerless."

"The only way in which your.. repentance can be authentic is if you (white people) give back what you took."

And here is a quote from James Cone's book that Rev. Wright, Obama's pastor of 20 years, praises...

"Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill Him. The task of Black Theology is to kill Gods who do not belong to the Black Community... Black Theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now and by any means at their disposal... Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love."

(you can still find it here:

This is point #8 from Trinity Church's "Black Value System":

  • 8. Disavowal of the Pursuit of "Middleclassness."
    Classic methodology on control of captives teaches that captors must be able to identify the "talented tenth" of those subjugated, especially those who show promise of providing the kind of leadership that might threaten the captor's control. Proverbs 3:13-14 - Happy are those who find wisdom and those who gain understanding, for her income is better than silver and her revenue better than gold.

    Those so identified are separated from the rest of the people by:

    • Killing them off directly, and/or fostering a social system that encourages them to kill off one another.

    • Placing them in concentration camps, and/or structuring an economic environment that induces captive youth to fill the jails and prisons.

    • Seducing them into a socioeconomic class system which, while training them to earn more dollars, hypnotizes them into believing they are better than others and teaches them to think in terms of "we" and "they" instead of "us."

    • So, while it is permissible to chase "middleclassness" with all our might, we must avoid the third separation method - the psychological entrapment of Black "middleclassness." If we avoid this snare, we will also diminish our "voluntary" contributions to methods A and B. And more importantly, Black people no longer will be deprived of their birthright: the leadership, resourcefulness and example of their own talented persons.

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    Obama: No, Really, I love This Country

    Obama's love for the typical white racist people of this country just oozes...

    I think this audio is more of a game-changer than Joe The Plumber...

    Obama clearly doesn't believe in this country.

    "WE also have to make sure that people are trained for jobs, that they have child care..."

    Notice he says "We have to make sure". It's clear that, to him, the big state is responsible for making sure people are trained. Think about that - in your own life, do you think it's your responsibility to go out and get the training or knowledge necessary to get the job you want? How could it possibly be anyone's responsibility but your own?

    But Obama thinks it's the responsibility of "we".
    So one can just trudge through life, shun getting valuable skills, and have as many kids as you want - and "we" will be responsible for you, your kids, and your housing. But don't call him socialist!

    Biden - "Is This A Joke?"

    Biden simply cannot believe a person from the media would dare ask probing questions.

    I appreciate the news anchor's efforts, but she never follows up the tough questions with any data about Obama's statements, policies, and ties to ACORN.

    Some Biden quotes and thoughts from the interview...
    "He's (Obama) not spreading the wealth around." Oh really? Funny, Barack Obama has said exactly that. Can you two maybe stop contradicting each other???

    Biden in the interview totally backs off his 'they'll test him because he's new" thing. Now he says it's Bush's fault, and even McCain would get tested if elected.

    Now, this extremely funny tidbit is being reported...

    Biden so disliked West's line of questioning that the Obama campaign canceled a WFTV interview with Jill Biden, the candidate's wife.

    "This cancellation is non-negotiable, and further opportunities for your station to interview with this campaign are unlikely, at best for the duration of the remaining days until the election," wrote Laura K. McGinnis, Central Florida communications director for the Obama campaign.

    Fully story here.

    Ahmadinejad Falls Ill Due To Workload...

    It's very stressful planning the next great Holocaust.

    Full story here.

    Saturday, October 25, 2008

    Got Experience?

    Or judgement?

    I like this one...

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    Friday, October 24, 2008

    Obama: Dreams From My Advisors

    Obama was essentially outright lying when he said in his convention speech, "I've laid out how I'll pay for every dime -- by closing corporate loopholes and tax havens."

    Alan Reynolds, an amazing economist, points out, in depth, how Obama is simply making it up, in a WSJ article, How's Obama Going to Raise $4.3 Trillion?

    Reynolds painstakingly points out, detail by detail, how Obama's proposals cannot even come close to paying for his new spending proposals - of which there are over $4 Trillion.

    And, again, an interesting stat I've listed here before, with slightly different numbers:
    • The bottom 60% of taxpayers pay less than 1% of income tax
    • The top 3% pay nearly 60% of income taxes
    This is why you keep hearing that Obama's "tax cut" for the "95%" of taxpayers must be a cash payment to almost half of the taxpayers - because they already pay no tax, and in fact get tax credits back. That's right, they get money from the government instead of paying income tax. This applies to about 40% of tax payers. And our tax system is not fair?

    This is very important stuff if you're interested at all in the economic and fiscal future of this country...


    The new president, whoever he is, will start out facing a budget deficit of at least $1 trillion, possibly much more.

    Mr. Obama has also promised to spend more on 176 other programs, according to an 85-page list of campaign promises (actual quotations) compiled by the National Taxpayers Union Foundation.

    A trillion here, a trillion there, and pretty soon you're talking about real money. Altogether, Mr. Obama is promising at least $4.3 trillion of increased spending and reduced tax revenue from 2009 to 2018 -- roughly an extra $430 billion a year by 2012-2013.

    Even if we have a strong economy, Mr. Obama's proposed tax hikes on the dwindling ranks of high earners would be unlikely to raise much more than $30 billion-$35 billion a year by 2012.

    Mr. Obama is counting on increasing corporate tax collections by more than 25% simply by closing "loopholes" and complaining about foreign "tax havens." Nobody, including the Tax Policy Center, believes that is remotely feasible.

    Whenever Mr. Obama claims he has not (yet) proposed any tax increase on couples earning less than $250,000, he forgets to mention his de facto $100 billion annual tax on energy. Like every other steep surge in energy costs, the Obama cap-and-trade tax would crush the economy, reducing tax receipts from profits and personal income.

    The Joint Tax Committee reports that the bottom 60% of taxpayers with incomes below $50,000 paid less than 1% of the federal income tax in 2006, while the 3.3% with incomes above $200,000 paid more than 58%. Most of Mr. Obama's tax rebates go to the bottom 60%. They can't possibly be financed by shifting an even larger share of the tax burden to the top 3.3%.

    Mr. Obama has offered no clue as to how he intends to pay for his health-insurance plans, or doubling foreign aid, or any of the other 175 programs he's promised to expand. Although he may hope to collect an even larger share of loot from the top of the heap, the harsh reality is that this Democrat's quest for hundreds of billions more revenue each year would have to reach deep into the pockets of the people much lower on the economic ladder. Even then he'd come up short.

    Reynolds' full report can be found here.

    More Dreamy Taxes at The Pantheon Journal.

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    SCARY EYES!!!!

    I'm pretty sure this video is meant to be a campaign ad, and not a Halloween stunt. Hillary at her scariest.

    I've looked into her eyes, and I see warmth and humanity flowing as a river of love and equanimity...

    Cartoon of the Day

    Excellent Ramirez cartoon...

    The Purrrrrmuda Triangle

    The vast rat-wing conspiracy...

    Thursday, October 23, 2008

    Great Joe The Plumber Quote....

    "The government needs to be cut in half."
    - Samuel J. Wurzelbacher "Joe The Plumber", on Hannit & Colmes 10/20

    Here's the video of the interview (they've not yet posted the second half which has the quote)...

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    Newt Tears Into Elite Media

    I've not much followed Greta Van Sustern's show on Fox News, but this was one great show.

    She highlighted a CNN interview with Gov. Palin where the interviewer completely turned around and misused a quote from National Review Online. The misquote was from a Jonah Goldberg article where he mocks Big Media's portayal of Gov. Palin - and the CNN reporter of course quoted the mocking part as if Golberg himself intended to say it.

    I was pretty much an outright lie by CNN.

    Watch this clip - Newt G. goes off on major media.

    This really is an Orewellian, surreal time to be a conservative and observe the major media outlets. This truly will be the year, when we look back on it, that we'll see the major media came out of the closet.

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    Wednesday, October 22, 2008

    Elie Wiesel: We've Learned Nothing From The Holocaust

    Holocaust survivor, Nobel Peace Prize winner, and author
    Elie Wiesel spoke in an interview with Haaretz on the Iranian President's speech at the UN.

    If you've never read his book, "Night", you should read it.
    It's a harrowing tale you won't be able to put down, and it's a quick read.

    Quotes from the article:

    "Ten years ago, and less, the ruler of a country that announced its aspiration for Israel to be wiped off the map would not have dared appear and speak on the UN's podium," Weisel said.

    "The era known as 'the period after Auschwitz' is over," he declared, adding: "If you ask me whether the world has learned something - my answer is no."

    Wiesel also said that his initial belief that "hatred had also been burned [in Auschwitz] along with the Jews" appeared to have been wrong in light of the wickedness and suffering in the world today.

    Health Care - Be Careful What You Ask For

    Walter Williams has a piece out on health care info from other countries that have socialized medicine: Affordable Health Care

    Want to Obamatize Health Care? Think again.
    Think our health care is totally privatized? 50% of all health care expenditures are made by the government.

    Most things in life are a series of trade-offs, not magical solutions.

    Health Care is such an example: there is no magical solution. We need to make cost-benefit decisions about our own health care, because there are precious resources involved - the doctor's time, new medicines, hospital rooms, etc.

    Because there are precious resources involved, we cannot screw up the supply-and-demand situation: too much demand drives up prices. Too little supply drives up prices and increases wait times. There's no way around that, as Williams shows in his stats...


    The Vancouver, British Columbia-based Fraser Institute's annual publication, "Waiting Your Turn," reports that Canada's median waiting times from a patient's referral by a general practitioner to treatment by a specialist, depending on the procedure, averages from five to 40 weeks. The wait for diagnostics, such as MRI or CT, ranges between four and 28 weeks.

    According to Michael Tanner's "The Grass Is Not Always Greener," in Cato Institute's Policy Analysis (March 18, 2008), the Mayo Clinic treats more than 7,000 foreign patients a year, the Cleveland Clinic 5,000, Johns Hopkins Hospital treats 6,000, and one out of three Canadian physicians send a patient to the U.S. for treatment each year.

    Currently, 750,000 Brits are awaiting hospital admission.

    Mrs. Easton says, "more than 70,000 Britons -- known as 'health tourists' -- have gone as far as India, Malaysia and South Africa for major operations. This figure is expected to rise to almost 200,000 by the end of the decade."

    We have health care problems in the U.S. but it's not because ours is a free market system of health care delivery. Well over 50 percent of all health care expenditures are made by government. Where government spends, government regulates. It's truly amazing that Americans who are dissatisfied with the current level of socialized medicine in the U.S. are asking for more of what created the problem in the first place. Anyone thinking that an American version of socialized health care will differ from that found in Canada, Britain, Sweden, France and elsewhere are whistling Dixie.

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    Tuesday, October 21, 2008

    The Comprehensive Argument Against Obama

    Amazing piece at HotAir: The comprehensive argument against Barack Obama

    For starters, how about abolishing bans on partial-birth abortion and parental notification, and provide tax-payer-funded abortions.


    Perhaps if Barack Obama had taken more time to build his resumé – especially with executive experience – he might have made a more compelling candidate, and might have demonstrated at least a little of the moderation he has claimed. Instead, Democrats want America to support at once the most radical and least qualified candidate for President in at least a century. They have tried to conceal this with the complicity of a pom-pom-waving national media that has shown much more interest in the political background of a plumber from Ohio than in a major-party candidate for President.

    Friday, October 17, 2008

    Site o' The Day: Army's Favorite Inventions

    ... of 2008.

    Courtesy of CNET...

    Photos: Army designates year's best inventions

    Some samples...

    McCain Lights It Up At Charity Dinner...

    Man, this has some seriously funny lines in it from McCain.

    Why doesn't he just campaign this way all the time?

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    Thursday, October 16, 2008

    Best CPR Tempo: Bee Gee's "Stayin' Alive"

    If you're performing CPR, what's the best rate at which you should be performing chest compressions?

    Just call up the ol' tune "Stayin' Alive" by the Bee Gees. It pays to carry around an iPod.

    From Fox: Study: Bee Gees' 'Stayin' Alive' Has Perfect Beat for CPR

    The American Heart Association calls for chest compressions to be administered at a rate of 100 per minute during cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR. Ironically, "Stayin' Alive" chimes in with 103 beats per minute, Reuters reports.

    Wednesday, October 15, 2008

    The Final Debate

    Here is video of the final debate. Brought to you by Algore - Inventor of The Internet.

    The Famous, Or Infamous "Joe The Plumber" Videos

    And here is Joe the Plumber himself on FoxNews, with his reaction to Obama's statements.

    This is the best thing that could've happened for McCain.

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    Game Changer Video? Obama Natural Born?

    The man behind the lawsuit is a 9/11 "Truther". That is, he believes there was a vast gov't conspiracy behind Sept. 11, 2001. NUTCASE!!!!
    [Thanks to for pointing this out.]

    Here's a link to the video if you still want to see it.

    My comments from the original post:

    I personally don't think this argument will fly, and I'm not too worried about the issue itself.

    Still, it would be great if Obama would just produce the docs and get this behind us.

    Support Biden's Family: Donate Now!

    It may be a little too late for you to donate millions to the VP candidate's family. He's already funneled $2 million to his family during his failed presidential bids. It's' unknown if his new boss will allow him to continue the practice.

    The Washington Times: Biden routes campaign cash to family, their firms

    This gives a whole new meaning to the redistribution of wealth. From wealthy East Coast liberals to wealthy East Coast liberals. It's all about the fairness.

    And remember, he and his lobbyist son never discussed work, because that would be a clear conflict of interest. It never even occurred to them to discuss lobbying senators when your dad's been a senator for 30 years. That's just not how they think.

    God forbid that our leaders have the guts to simply pass a law that says you cannot funnel campaign money to your family for any reason, even if they recently became expert consultants or work for powerful lobbying firms. Just outlaw it altogether. I guess they haven't thought of that yet.

    This scandal is sure to be the headlines for the next three weeks for Big Media. You know how hard they've been on Obama so far...

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    Obama Archives: Invterview From 1995

    Stanely Kurtz points out a 1995 interview with Obama is quite revealing: What Makes Obama Run?

    The interview was conducted at the beginning of his run for Illinois State Senate.

    Quotes and comments...

    Obama thinks elected officials could do much to overcome the political paralysis of the nation's black communities. He thinks they could lead their communities out of twin culs-de-sac: the unrealistic politics of integrationist assimilation--which helps a few upwardly mobile blacks to "move up, get rich, and move out"

    This is a stunning revelation. Obama thinks that African-Americans aren't already assimilated? And that they ought not be assimilated into American society and culture? Is this his version of "separate but equal"?

    What ever happened to "E Pluribus Unum" - From many, one. As in one nation and culture out of many.

    The article then references Obama's first book, "Dreams From My Father"...

    He quickly learned that integration was a one-way street, with blacks expected to assimilate into a white world that never gave ground. He participated in bitter bull sessions with his buddies on the theme of "how white folks will do you."

    Then on to his political idealogy...

    "The right wing talks about this but they keep appealing to that old individualistic bootstrap myth: get a job, get rich, and get out. Instead of investing in our neighborhoods, that's what has always happened. Our goal must be to help people get a sense of building something larger.

    In Obama's words, you'll see many references to "collective action" and "creating productive communities". He never once mentions the disintegration of the home. Was it just by chance that the African-American home began to unravel when the American government offered them money to split up the home?

    And look what he calls a myth: "get a job, get rich, and get out." Is Obama advocating the opposite of that? Don't get a job? Don't get rich? Don't get out of the ghetto? How else is one to do it? Wait until a messianic figure comes along to "rebuild" their community? Over and over again, the mantra of this kind of ideology ignores the role of human accountability and responsibility, and demands that "collective" action be taken, and that we all "come together".

    "The right wing, the Christian right, has done a good job of building these organizations of accountability, much better than the left or progressive forces have. But it's always easier to organize around intolerance, narrow-mindedness, and false nostalgia. And they also have hijacked the higher moral ground with this language of family values and moral responsibility.

    "Now we have to take this same language--these same values that are encouraged within our families--of looking out for one another, of sharing, of sacrificing for each other--and apply them to a larger society. Let's talk about creating a society, not just individual families, based on these values. Right now we have a society that talks about the irresponsibility of teens getting pregnant, not the irresponsibility of a society that fails to educate them to aspire for more."

    It's interesting that Obama admits, "it's always easier to organize around intolerance, narrow-mindedness, and false nostalgia." You mean, for instance, the intolerance Jeremiah Wright, and the crowds that he commands? Or the narrow-mindedness of Black Liberation Theology? Or the false nostalgia of hijacking the civil rights movement for your own cynical purposes?

    And again with the above statement we see Obama saying directly that the focus should not be on the family but on the "larger society". There's no powerful, controlling government apparatus necessary when families are left in charge of their own morality. And that means no redistribution of wealth, and all the power that brings with it for those who control the money.

    And here's what Obama says about raising money from "the wealthy"...

    I admit that in this transitional period, before I'm known in the district, I'm going to have to rely on some contributions from wealthy people--people who like my ideas but who won't attach strings. This is not ideal, but it is a problem encountered by everyone in their first campaign.

    Yep, their first campaign. And every campaign after that, ad infinitum.

    Obama took time off from attending campaign coffees to attend October's Million Man March in Washington, D.C. His experiences there only reinforced his reasons for jumping into politics.
    "What I saw was a powerful demonstration of an impulse and need for African-American men to come together to recognize each other and affirm our rightful place in the society," he said.

    Clear support for Louis Farrakhan's Million Man March. Now, maybe I don't have my history right, but I believe the Million Man March occurred in 1995. Not 1795 or 1895. So what does he mean by "affirm our rightful place in the society"? The implication is that there is still systemic racism that elevates whites over blacks.

    "This doesn't suggest that the need to look inward emphasized by the march isn't important, and that these African-American tribal affinities aren't legitimate. These are mean, cruel times, exemplified by a 'lock 'em up, take no prisoners' mentality that dominates the Republican-led Congress. Historically, African-Americans have turned inward and towards black nationalism whenever they have a sense, as we do now, that the mainstream has rebuffed us, and that white Americans couldn't care less about the profound problems African-Americans are facing."

    Again, one has to invert these statements to see if they fail the racism test. Would it be controversial if John McCain had said:

    "These white European tribal affinities are legitimate. The black caucus just wants to lock up white people behind bars. This leads to white supremacy militias because we the whites have a sense that black Americans couldn't care less about the profound problems that white Americans are facing."

    So the only time Obama cares to place importance on the morality of the individual is to place blame on white Americans, because they don't care enough and that by implication they are racist. Those white people are apparently the only individuals involved in this whole matter. Everyone else is just part of a larger "community".

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    Tuesday, October 14, 2008

    Quote of The Day: Owning up to the mess

    "At some point one wonders whether there is a conservative left in the country who can at least offer a moral take on where we have descended, and promise that the federal government won't offer any more spending it can't pay for in cash, and that the public in their own private lives should start doing likewise. But in the present surreal landscape, we seem to want to borrow ever more to raise deficits even higher, without understanding that even balanced budgets won't pay off the huge and growing debts we owe.

    The current medicine is starting to seem a lot like the disease."
    - Victor Davis Hanson

    Full article here.

    Meltdown: Who To Blame? Not Deregulation...

    John Stossel nails it in this piece: The Reregulation Mantra?

    As I said in my commentary on the McCain-Obama 2nd debate, Obama's mantra of "deregulation was the cause this meltdown" is false. We have regulation in place already. That doesn't prevent politicians from steering the ship awry. The democrats blocked all reform of Fannie Mae, and practically accused the main regulator of Fannie and Freddie of being stupid and racist. Regulation was in place, and it didn't work. Maybe we could regulate the Democrats.

    Stossel astutely makes the argument in his piece that deregulation was not the cause at all, and why effective regulation itself is a myth.


    Barack Obama said, "This is a final verdict on the failed economic policies of the last eight years ... that essentially said that we should strip away regulations, consumer protections, let the market run wild, and prosperity would rain down on all of us".

    Is deregulation is the culprit? It can't be. There was no relevant deregulation in the last 25 years. Meanwhile, highly regulated institutions eagerly bought risky government-guaranteed mortgages, stimulating excessive housing construction and an unsustainable price bubble.

    It's intuitive to assume that regulation prevents problems, but it's rarely true. First, how would regulators know what to do? Leaving aside the bias they might have and the brutal fact that regulation is physical force, how can a small group of people understand the workings of a market sufficiently to regulate sensibly? Markets, especially financial markets, are far more complicated than any mind can grasp. They consist of many millions of participants making countless decisions on the basis of unarticulated know-how and intuition. To attempt to regulate such activity requires knowledge no one can possess.

    In other words, the planner or regulator can't possibly know what the multitude in a market "knows." So what regulators really do is straitjacket market participants, preventing innovators from creating prosperity for us all.

    The current interventions prevent market participants from adjusting to new conditions. Banks might be willing to sell their shaky loans to investors at a steep discount, but why do that if the government might bail them out?

    Markets are never perfect. They are made up of people making their best judgments, and people's judgments are never perfect.

    There is only one genuine protection for the public: the discipline of profit and loss. Nothing concentrates the mind like the prospect of bankruptcy.

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    Global Warming On Vacation, Winter of '07-'08

    That terrible global warming took a break this year to let some glaciers grow.

    Alaska glaciers grew this year, thanks to colder weather

    Notice how the article says "200 years of glacial shrinkage". As in before the industrial revolution. I guess we could blame global warming on the democratic revolutions in the U.S. and France 200 years ago?


    Two hundred years of glacial shrinkage in Alaska, and then came the winter and summer of 2007-2008.

    Never before in the history of a research project dating back to 1946 had the Juneau Icefield witnessed the kind of snow buildup that came this year. It was similar on a lot of other glaciers too.

    "It's been a long time on most glaciers where they've actually had positive mass balance," Molnia said.

    Monday, October 13, 2008

    Republicans Go All-Out With New Obama-Ayers Ad

    They're fired up now.
    It's going to be tough when Big Media is ignoring this issue for the most part...
    [hat tip: Hot Air]

    Saturday, October 11, 2008

    A Little Sanity In This Insane Market

    Two of the true greats from the investment business on CNBC.

    John Bogle invented the index mutual fund.
    Ken Heebner's sheer genius places him at least on par with the other greats, Peter Lynch, etc.
    Everyone should consider owning his mutual funds, CGM Focus Fund, CGM Real Estate.

    Also, further below are some other good articles and commentary.

    When markets turn around, many don't recognize it nor want to invest in it.
    And, market bottom after market bottom, investors always pull out the maximum amount of money from mutual funds right at the worst time - the bottom in the market.

    I'm not saying jump in here, but if you haven't sold yet, it's likely too late.
    I went to cash a while ago in my trading account and missed this huge plunge. This was due to my rule of staying out of a weak market, and using Investor's Business Daily as a guide for market direction.

    Some Quotes from the video:

    Heebner: "I think the government here has been brilliant. I think everything that's happened in the last two weeks should make everybody very confident about how alert and quick the government has been to react to the problem..."
    Heebner: "The U.S. economy led the world into the recession, and we're going to lead it out..."

    Here are some great thoughts about your investments...

    By the way, here is a very recent clip of Ken Heebner talking about his current leanings...

    And, Larry Kudlow: The Light at the End of the Crisis

    Paradoxical as it may be, strong government actions to stabilize banking are necessary to preserve the free-market-economy system. No free-market economy can survive without stable banking and credit. Without readily available credit, entrepreneurs can’t put their new ideas into commercial practice. And without that vital innovation, economic growth suffers.

    Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve has essentially moved off its fed funds rate target and is instead focused on injecting huge quantities of new cash into the banking system. The most basic money supply controlled by the Fed is now growing at a 16 percent rate after being nearly flat for 18 months. In the last five weeks the Fed has injected nearly $700 billion through a variety of lending facilities. This is important. The demand for liquidity during this period of asset and credit deflation cries out for massive new cash supplies from the central bank.

    Then there’s oil, which is almost forgotten in this panic. The $150 oil shock and elevated prices at the pump are what worsened the credit crunch and hastened the recession. But now oil is about $80 a barrel. When the dust finally clears, lower energy prices will be an important tax-cut, pro-recovery factor. Meanwhile, the exchange value of the U.S. dollar is up 16 percent in recent months. That’s an anti-inflationary sign of confidence.

    And here's the WSJ Gordon piece that Kudlow mentions: A Short Banking History of the United States

    We are now in the midst of a major financial panic. This is not a unique occurrence in American history. Indeed, we've had one roughly every 20 years: in 1819, 1836, 1857, 1873, 1893, 1907, 1929, 1987 and now 2008.

    How could the richest and most productive economy the world has ever known have a financial system so prone to periodic and catastrophic break down? One answer is the baleful influence of Thomas Jefferson.

    No small part of the reason that an ordinary recession that began in the spring of 1929 turned into the calamity of the Great Depression was the inability of the Federal Reserve to do its job. It was completely reorganized in 1934 and the U.S. finally had a central bank with the powers it needed to function. That is a principal reason there was no panic for nearly 60 years after 1929 and the crash of 1987 had no lasting effect on the American economy.

    While it will be painful, the present crisis will at least provide another opportunity to give this country, finally, a unified banking system of large, diversified, well-capitalized banking institutions that are under the control of a unified and coherent regulatory system free of undue political influence.

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    Thursday, October 9, 2008

    Obama Still Won't Answer Ayers Accusations

    Barrack Obama can sure bluster, but he's yet to directly answer the most important allegations and facts regarding his William Ayers connection.

    Everyone talks about the bombings, but arguably the worst things Ayers did were: 1) tried to murder hundreds of U.S. Soldiers, but instead his friends blew up themselves building the bomb; 2) Brain wash young people on how racist America is, how bad capitalism is, etc., with his $50 million from the Annenberg foundation.

    And Obama still won't repudiate the man's ideology, nor will he talk about the years that he worked for Ayers in the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC). He's obvisouly hiding something. Let's just say it, sing Big Media won't: Obama is or was a man shaped by radical anti-american ideals of the '60's, and anti-white "theology". His hatred for capitalism and our system is there in his first book. And now that he's running for President, he has to make a move to the center.

    Yes, these associations of his are important - he only recently stopped going to the anti-white, anti-american church of the hate monger Rev. Wright, so these are not "past" associations. His ideological and political formation occurred under the umbrella of radical, revolutionary hatred. That's why it's important. Hard to believe Amercians are even thinking of voting for him.

    Again, would Big Media be interested if most of McCain's political and ideological mentors were the politcal inverse of Obama's? How about if McCain kicked off his campaign in the house of the man who tried to kill as many blacks as he could, and said he didn't do enough? How about attending a church that preached "white supremacy theology" where the purpose of christianity was to show how inferior non-white races are? Would that be a problem for McCain? Would it get any media attention? Would Big Media ask the tough questions?

    Here's his interview with ABC.

    Here's his comment about the Ayers problem:

    "Why don't we just clear it up right now," Obama told ABC News' Charlie Gibson in an exclusive interview for World News. "I'll repeat again what I've said many times. This is a guy who engaged in some despicable acts 40 years ago when I was eight years old. By the time I met him, 10 or 15 years ago, he was a college professor of education at the University of Illinois . . . And the notion that somehow he has been involved in my campaign, that he is an adviser of mine, that . . . I've 'palled around with a terrorist', all these statements are made simply to try to score cheap political points."

    Senator Obama, why don't you clear up this whole thing for us:
    What was your role on the CAC, and why did you take a job that meant spreading 60's radical idealogy to young students?
    What, exactly, was the nature of your relationship to Mr. Ayers, since he headed the foundation you worked for?
    Why have you not repudiated anything that Ayers has said in the last decade or so?
    Why don't you explain to us why you sat under the teaching of racist and biased "black liberation theology" for 20 years?

    Go ahead, we're waiting...

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    Wednesday, October 8, 2008

    Ayers The Terrorist Bomb Designer, and His Team

    Here's a video Obama will not appreciate. (Warning: some foul language).
    [hat tip: LGF]

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    Obama's Tax Baloney And The Investor Class

    1) highly injurious or destructive : deadly
    2) archaic : wicked

    McCain must go after Obama and his pernicious tax hike on small biz and capital gains.
    He keeps letting Obama get away with this 'tax the rich and the biggest corporations' thing.
    The claim is on its face false, since Obama himself admits the taxes start at $250k. I think the biggest corporations make a few tens of billions more than that. That's squarely in the range of small businesses who hire most of the workers in our economy.

    Larry Kudlow has an insightful piece, Will McCain Make the Investor Connection?

    He points out that we, the consumers, really pay the small business tax - because businesses of course must pass on all costs to their customers in some form - prices, less employees (less service), less phones, less rental space, etc.


    The investor class is a huge voting bloc. Shareholders in recent national elections represented nearly two out of every three votes cast. And most surveys put the investor-class population at slightly over 100 million. This includes direct investment through brokerage accounts, although the vast majority of investor-class members own IRAs, 401(k)s, and defined-benefit plans, such as state and city pension funds.

    But McCain never got specific on capital-gains and dividends, and he failed to educate voters on just how important investment is to healthy job-creating businesses.

    Ditto for McCain’s proposed corporate tax cut. The senator wants to slash the business tax rate from 35 to 25 percent. It’s an excellent plan. But McCain doesn’t explain how two-thirds of the benefits of a corporate tax cut go to the workforce through higher wages, with the rest then going to shareholders. He also doesn’t point out that ordinary folks actually pay the corporate tax, since firms pass this tax cost along in the form of higher prices. So McCain could, in fact, call a corporate tax cut a consumer tax cut. But he’s not doing this.

    McCain also needs to put investors on red alert about Obama’s middle-class tax cut. The Illinois senator’s huge government-spending plans will overwhelm his ability to cut taxes for 95 percent of the people. In fact, McCain needs to remind voters that Bill Clinton made exactly the same promise as a candidate in 1992 before he broke it as president in 1993.

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    Debate Opinion Roundup

    Here's the opinion roundup on the debate last night.

    As I said earlier, I can't stand these mind-numbing sound-byte debates. "Hey, in two minutes tell us how you'd save the world, make healthcare cheaper, solve the financial crisis, and make world peace and enforceable law."

    Can we please have a real debate, and just let these guys go at it? Moderate for equal time and move on if a subject gets boring, that's it.

    How can we possibly have debates this boring when the times are so tense? War on terrorism, Russia violently on the rise, Iran about to get Nukes, Israel's enemies rearming under the nose of the UN, the great financial scare of '08. Geez, can we please, maybe get a little more passionate about all this stuff?

    Dick Morris, below, echos my own feelings (my running debate commentary is here):
    Why is McCain so bad at answering all of these ridiculous statements from Obama? A Democrat criticizes a Republican administration for high deficits? McCain can't even think to mention that maybe 9/11 had something to do with increased spending?

    On to the opinions...

    Byron York, NRO: McCain vs. Obama: The Snoozer in Nashville
    This was the worst-moderated debate in the history of presidential debates,” one McCain campaign insider told me just moments after John McCain and Barack Obama left the stage at Belmont University in Nashville. “The audience and the American people should feel robbed — that the one opportunity they had to ask questions of the presidential candidates was taken from them by Tom Brokaw.”

    eyond McCain’s new plan, and the various instances of alleged ill will between the candidates, there really wasn’t much else that was noteworthy in Nashville Tuesday night. There were no new lines of argument and no gloves-off references to William Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, or any other Obama associates. Before the debate, McCain aides suggested to me that there wouldn’t be any serious fisticuffs because the format wasn’t conducive to that sort of thing. And indeed, there were none. So now, if McCain wants to come out swinging, he has one more chance, at the last debate, scheduled for next Wednesday at Hofstra University in New York.

    The Wall Street Journal - What The Candidates Said

    Dick Morris: McCain's Missing Punch

    John McCain probably won last night's debate on points - but he needed a knockout, and he didn't get it.

    His proposal to help homeowners by buying their mortgages was well articulated. He also scored well on entitlements and, as always, emerged ahead on foreign policy.

    But Obama dodged and weaved his way out of trouble.

    McCain failed to rebut patently absurd claims - like Obama's claim to favor nuclear power, his "plan" to cut taxes on 95 percent of Americans and his charge that McCain would shower CEOs with new tax breaks.

    Incredibly, McCain even let Obama get away with lamenting the high deficit.

    McCain needed to punch through on two issues, taxes and values: how Obama's policies will crush the economy, and how Obama's core beliefs are far outside the mainstream. He landed a lot of blows last night - but Obama managed to brush them off.

    McCain entered the debate nine points down in the Gallup and Rasmussen polls. His performance won't even start to close the gap.

    Ed Morrisey, of Hot Air: Both Men Improve; McCain Wins on Points

    I thought the town-hall format was a joke, though. Brokaw and his team selected the questions ahead of time and chose the participants, and in the end it just looked like Brokaw had outsourced some of the moderator duties to guest voices.

    McCain won, but he didn’t score a knockout by any stretch of the imagination. Is this a game-changer? I think not. It may help narrow the gap a little, but I think the two men are pretty evenly matched in these debates. I wouldn’t expect a knockout in the last debate, either.

    Politico, in a subtle and understated way: The Worst Debate Ever

    With the country at one of its most interesting—not to mention terrifying—moments in a generation, John McCain and Barack Obama met in Nashville for what was surely one of the dullest and was definitely the least satisfying presidential debate in memory.

    How the he** did candidates manage to be so timid and uninspiring at a time when American troops are in two problematic wars, the world financial markets are in scary free fall and the Dow has lost 1,400 points since Oct. 1? This is a moment history rarely sees – and both men blew it.

    It would be hard to cook up a duller way of debating than we witnessed last night. The commission allowed the cautious handlers of the presidential campaigns to negotiate a format designed to limit improvisation, intellectual engagement and truth-telling.

    The rules were so constraining, it begs the question: why even put a moderator in the chair? Tom Brokaw threw up his hands from the outset, apologizing for the constraints he was under, which didn’t allow him to press on evasive answers or encourage a promising exchange.

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